
Cleanse Your Body

      The Colon
   If you are not having two to three good bowel movements every day, you probably have a toxic colon. If the colon is not fully releasing the waste that accumulates there after each meal, that waste rots, turnings putrid and toxic. This toxic waste leaks back through the wall of the colon into your bloodstream creating dis-ease and making it harder to lose weight This also creates a condition where your body feels it needs more nutrition, sending you signals to eat even more food. When your system is toxic, you have less energy for exercise, which can also contribute to excess weight. In every instance of weight management with which I have been involved, there was toxicity of the colon. When the colon is toxic, it is also a breeding ground for parasites, causing yet another toxicity problem that can interfere with weight loss. Parasites are often hidden cause of colon toxicity, low energy and weight imbalance. You can pick up parasites almost anywhere these days: walking barefoot in the yard and house, if you have indoor pets, eating greens that have not been properly washed, swimming, eating cooked meats. A good herbal parasite cleanse might be just the thing for you. One of the first thing usually recommend for people who want to lose weight is a good colon cleansing. Remember, if you have any medical problems with your colon, such as colitis or Irritable Bowel Syndrome, please check with your doctor first - your digestive system can be gently healed with more live foods, but it may require a slower, specialized approach.
      Your Liver
   The liver is a vital organ for the health of your body. Its impossible to maintain good health with an unhealthy liver. Due to high pollution levels in air, water and cooked food, a liver cleanse can be helpful before beginning a raw diet. An effective liver cleanse can take weeks. Just taking something for a few days is not sufficient and not even a good idea as it can lead to a “healing crisis” or sudden shock to the body. If you havent done a good liver cleanse within the past 6 months to a year, a toxic liver may be part of your inability to lose weight. Research the various programs available and choose one for yourself. Prefer an herbal liver cleanse that includes milk thistle, one of the best herbs for cleansing the liver.
      Your Blood
   If the colon and/or liver are toxic, believe your blood is probably toxic, too. To support your body in losing weight, believe that it is good idea to cleanse your blood. As always, research available products and programs yourself. Prefer a gentle herbal approach that includes red clover, one of the best blood cleansers. Red Clover is gentle and very effective, even for children.
   Yeast is another hidden, insidious obstacle to weight loss. Make sure that you dont have a Candida problem. If you do, there are herbal products to deal with it naturally. Research and find a good formula. Eliminate sugar, wheat and white flour, MSG (monosodium glutimate) and Aspartame (NutraSweet) - this is automatic if you eat raw foods. Initially, as your cells dump the candida into your blood, it may seem worse, but eventually a raw diet will eliminate the excess candida.
   For reducing heavy metal toxins, the herb Cilantro is good. Just munch on it fresh or make a tincture. There are many other cleanses (kidneys, lungs, etc.) but these are the major ones. Believe that it is important to eliminate the biggest nasties from your diet right away: refined sugar, MSG, aspartame (NutraSweet) and hydrogenated oils. Stevia is the best herbal alternative to sugar, though it may take some getting used to. An herb called Gymnema Sylvestre is also useful in dealing with reducing sugar in your diet, as it helps directly with sugar cravings.

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