Wellness is holistic - all aspects of what makes us human: mind, body, emotions, Spirit, affect our health and happiness. If you can accept this interconnected perspective of life, if you see your health as related to the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of your life, then the raw food lifestyle is for you. Raw food isnt a magic bullet. Strictly speaking, it isnt even a weight loss program. It is part of a healthier, new lifestyle that requires responsibility, commitment and time to incorporate properly into your life.
When you make that commitment, you are empowering yourself to take the first steps towards a lifestyle that is intrinsically based on nutrient dense organic whole food. Such a diet is naturally rich in all the nutrition your body really needs, while low in carbohydrates and calories. Numerous studies have proven that a low calorie diet leeds to weight loss and increased longevity, a longer healthier life. Thats simply the natural result of a raw foods based lifestyle - making it almost effortless once you learn how to do it and get comfortable incorporating it into your own life.
The reason most so-called weight loss programs fail is because there are at least three things you must do before even starting a new diet and exercise plan that most of these programs dont even consider, which can lead to unrealistic expectations and impatience.
If you dont prepare you body beforehand, you can experience uncomfortable detoxing as your body suddenly dumps toxins trapped in fat into your system. This can create cravings for cooked foods, believe it or not and other unhealthy things. You may also have deeply embedded lifestyle patterns that are difficult to suddenly change. After many years, or even decades, of eating cooked and processed foods that dont fully nurture your body, your body has made several adaptations at the metabolic level in order to survive. Changing these takes a little time and varies from person to person. So before attempting to jump into a raw food diet, it is important to do these three things, gently:
1. Cleanse your body of toxins built up by years of cooked foods
2. Re-build your body, especially your immune, digestive and elimination systems.
3. Cleanse your mind, emotions & spirit.
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