Yes ... and no. In an ideal world, everything you eat would be packed with nutrition and provide no toxins. Also, the food you eat would be free not only of chemical toxins, but antibiotics. So the natural flora or probiotics, in your guts would flourish, helping your body digest and absorb nutrition optimally. So there would be no need to take probiotics or digestive aids. That diet would be in total harmony with your environment, too. There would be no air pollution, increasing the need for nutrients that aid in detoxifying the pollution you breath. The water would be pure and clean. There would be no need to drink bottled water or invest in expensive filtration systems and your body wouldnt need to cleanse itself from the many toxins we drink in regardless. Finally, the home you live in would have no electromagnetic radiation coursing through its walls. There would be no need for your body to repair cells damaged by microwaves, radio waves, EM fields and geopathic stress.
In this ideal world, you would be enjoying optimal health every day, and getting everything you need from whole, raw, organic fruits, nuts, seeds and vegetables. But that world doesnt exist any more. Instead, we live in toxic environments floating in a sea of pollution, nutritionally deficient foods, stressful lifestyles and more. There is no escape, even if you choose to live in the most remote areas. Our bodies have been bombarded by toxins and disease for decades, and it wont stop soon. So now we have to bend over backwards to get healthy and stay that way. What was once natural and effortless for our ancestors is now inconvenient at best, and often down right difficult to do. Today we have to go out of our way to eat healthy. We may have to do colonics, liver cleanses, kidney cleanses and who knows what else just to counter the results of being on the planet. So we need to give our bodies as much support as possible. The first thing we can do is not put anything in our mouth that adds to the problem. Once we start on that, we need to help our bodies cope with getting healthy and staying that way. It isnt easy for a sick body to get well. It doesnt happen over night.
Properly taken, nutritional supplements aid the body in allowing additional opportunities to build, maintain and improve the functions of the bodys deficient areas. With whole food supplementation you are compensating for years of poor dietary habits, low food values, nutrients lost in cooking and food processing as well as nutrients not absorbed by the body due to poor digestion. Its easy to believe that degenerative disease is inevitable and the result of living in our polluted world. But theres still more to trying to figure out this puzzle of wellness than that. The reason that its easy to believe this is because pollution does play such an obvious role in the breakdown of health. But the truth is that most degenerative diseases are in the blood, lymph, tissues and right down to the cells and began many years before symptoms appeared. The good news is that it isnt too late. A healthy raw food diet, natural cleansing aids and appropriate whole food supplements when needed will turn you around!
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