
How do you get a variety of foods only eating vegetables and fruits?

In the beginning you may get bored eating just fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds. But that is because your body is adjusting. The truth is that you get bored and need variety only when you are starving, even slowly starving, on a typical cooked, processed diet. Your body knows what it needs nutritionally. After decades of not getting adequate nutrition, your body is desperately looking wherever it can to find something nurturing to eat, so you get cravings and a desire for a lot of variety.

 Conversely, after years of eating raw, whole, nutritionally dense foods, your body starts enjoying everything you put in it immensely. Everything tastes wonderful! In addition, you lose the cravings and the need for a lot of variety. You only desire what you need and you enjoy that more than enough to satisfy you. Its called intuitive eating or conscious eating and comes for most people after many years of cleansing and eating only whole, raw foods. Until then, during the transitional period, there are lots of things you can to that are not difficult to make whole foods more fun and appetizing and feed your need for variety. Preparation is the key to variety and taste. This recipe book describes how to change the textures and tastes of vegetables using your blender, food processor, dehydrator and juicer and by using herbs and seasonings. The variety of dishes that can be made from simple vegetables is only limited by your efforts and creativity.

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