
How do get children to eat veggies?

   Did you every watch someone try to feed a baby their first processed foods? Most of the time, in my experience, the baby spits it out. Babies dont want it - its dead. After months of nice, living breast milk (hopefully), weaning a baby on cooked foods is, in my mind, almost a form of child abuse! They dont like it. You have to force them. Eventually, with enough games and tricks, or added sugars, you can get the baby to eat that stuff probably because they are so hungry theyll eat anything. You are "conditioning" the child to eat dead food and that is a conditioning that is hard to break later in life, even as adults.

   Instead, start your kids on fresh veggies when they are very young, so theyll develop a taste for unprocessed foods right away. You can give them blended salads made in your blender or food processor. You start your blender going with cucumber or tomato cut it into slices. Place these at the bottom of the blender/food processor. These vegetable have the most liquid and will start the process of blending. After that, you may add raw green vegetables. Very young children, they can also have scraped fruit. This will have the consistency of applesauce. Cut an apple or pear in half and scrape it with a spoon and its ready. You will create a fresh apple or pear sauce. Kids love papaya or mango sauce (blend these). But make sure you skin them, and take out the seeds.
   For a nutritious drink for the very young, especially if the mother is deficient in breast milk or not well, try this:
 - 1/3 glass of fresh carrot juice
 - 1/3 cup of raw goat milk mixed
 - green chlorophyll powder.
Blend ingredients. Work up to one tsp. How much you give to the child depends on age and the ability of the baby to digest the ingredients. This is an excellent substitute drink for children who are not breast fed.
   Fresh young Thai coconut milk is also an excellent drink. Open the top of the coconut and pour the coconut ater into the blender. Split the coconut. Scoop out the coconut meat and add to blender. Blend on high until the meat is completely combined with the liquid. It tastes like a wonderful malted and its rich in protein.
   For older children who dont like vegetables, use your dehydrator to make patties or flat breads from the vegetable pulp thats left over after you make your vegetable juice in your juice extractor:
 - 1 cup of carrot pulp or a mixture of vegetable pulps (avoid celery and beet)
 - one cup of ground sunflower seeds
 - poultry seasoning to taste
 - 1 tsp. of miso mixed with a small amount of water
Mix ingredients together. Make into patties and dehydrate for a few hours. Add tomato sauce, black olives and ground up pine nuts as a topping.